STEP For A Better World LEO Club’s 2022 Earth Art Day contest officially came to an end on April 22nd. The first set of photos display the winner participants that represent grades Kindergarten to 5th Grade. The second set of photos are other entries that are also amazing works of art.
And the winner from kindergarten is Vivaan Kulkarni! We sadly don’t have a winner from 1st grade as the only person who signed up had an incomplete submission. The winner from 2nd grade is Rishit Muhuri! The winner from third grade is Eesha Katakam! The winner from 4th grade is Pranav Iyer! And the winner from 5th grade is our own STEP volunteer Parth Sharma!
Thank you to the following individuals for participating in this contest:- Sathvika Siddeningi, Upasana Katakam, Vivaan Kulkarni, Nivrit Kanduru, Rishit Muhuri, Eesha Katakam, Prajheet Dutta, Sucharita Neogi, Pranav Iyer, Volunteer Alekhya Parimi, Volunteer Aarush Jadar, Volunteer Parth Sharma.
Lastly a huge thank you to Project Lead Website Developer Nimeesh Sharma for leading this project for the second year! The winners will be contacted to arrange a date and time to hang their artwork at the Plainsboro preserve. Thank you to STEPs Executive Board Roles for voting on all of these submissions, we look forward to next years contest!